Its not that you’ll be hypnotised! It’s actually science!

It is a complete birth preparation course. Essentially giving you all the tools to remove fear, have an understanding of what happens during labour, and most importantly navigating the choices and decisions during this important time. If your birth goes in a difference direction; you are empowered to feel calm and in control of whatever journey your labour takes

We want hypnobirthing to re-programme the brain, embrace your body and trust the process that will lead to a positive birth that you so desire!

The preparation involves introduction of many tools such as visualising, breathing techniques, & ultimately deep relaxation

Women who use hypnobirthing report less pain, fewer interventions, and greater satisfaction with their birth experience. By promoting a positive and calm mindset, hypnobirthing can help women to feel more in control and confident during one of the most transformative experiences of their lives.

The deep relaxation exercises and tools I will give you are proven to reduce cortisol levels and promote the body's natural release of endorphins, which can help to ease pain and enhance feelings of well-being during childbirth. Hypnobirthing is a science-based approach to childbirth which will empower you have a more relaxed and positive birthing experience. I work in practical way to help you see just this!

Hypnobirthing gives you so many skills that can be used in any birth. Bumps & Beginnings will support you right to the end of your pregnancy journey and start of your new beginning! If you would like more information on any of our courses, just click on the contact us page!

Want to know more?

Whether you have a question about our courses, or you're interested in learning more about a specific aspect of Hypnobirthing, we're here to help. We are passionate about sharing knowledge and helping families thrive, so don't hesitate to reach out if you want to know more!